Portable Ramp Loan Programs

Maryland Department of Disabilities Technology Assistance Program Statewide Portable Ramp Access Project loans out a variety of portable ramps. For ease of consumer access and pick-up, the portable ramps for Howard and Anne Arundel County are housed at ARI.

Portable ramps of varying lengths and types are available, including threshold ramps (for small steps in and around a house), modular ramps ranging from 2 to 12 feet, multi-fold van ramps, and more. Marylanders will now be able to borrow a ramp for up to 120 days while additional home and vehicle accessibility solutions are identified.

Consumers will return the ramp after their short-term need is met or once they have identified funding for a permanent structure, and the ramp is loaned out again to another individual.

This project is partially funded by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation which is committed to supporting organizations that seek to improve the quality of life for people living with paralysis.